Coverage Analysis with VerOCode and VeroSource

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VerOCode is a unique capability that provides a coverage analysis and mapping between the object code executed on the target and the associated source language statements. It directly satisfies DO-178B and DO-330 TQL-5, Level A MC/DC object coverage objectives for code coverage.


Object to Source Code, Coverage Analyzer


VerOCode can use the same requirements-based tests that were used in functional testing to automate the capture and analysis of structural coverage testing without instrumenting the code under test. This is part of the process used at Verocel. It then records and displays the instructions executed in a program under test, and for conditional instructions, records and displays the state of the condition code at each execution of the instruction. Structural coverage is obtained at the machine code level using the integrated image, with results reported through an annotated program listing containing the source and machine code level expansion


VerOCode is supported by a Qualification Data kit. It may be used as a DO-178B Level A verification tool (DO-178C/DO-330: TQL-5), and the coverage results used for Level A certification credit.


VeroSource-A verifies that all complex decisions (i.e., decisions with at least two conditions) have taken all possible outcomes; and that every condition within the decision has taken all possible outcomes that have independently affected the decision’s outcome.


VeroSource automates the capture and structural coverage analysis of the source code under test.


Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MCDC), Coverage Analyzer


VeroSource-A specifically satisfies DO-178B/DO-330 TQL-5, Level A MC/DC coverage objectives.

VeroSource-A can use a copy of the same requirements-based tests that were used in functional testing to automate the capture and analysis of structural coverage testing. It operates by instrumenting the code under test. By using the same tests it verifies that the functional behavior is unchanged by the instrumented code. MC/DC coverage is obtained at the machine code level, with results reported through an annotated program listing containing the source and machine code level expansion.


VeroSource-A is supported by a Qualification Data kit. It may be used as a DO-178B Level A verification tool (DO-330 TQL-5) and the coverage results used for Level A certification credit.


Statement and Decision, Coverage Analyzer


VeroSource automates marking the execution of both statements and decision coverage, providing the required data to meet DO-178B/DO-330 TQL-5 Level B or C structural coverage objectives.

VeroSource records all the statements executed in a program under test, and the outcomes of all the decisions evaluated during execution of the program. It produces an annotated source code listing showing the coverage results, and provides a mechanism for review and commenting on areas of incomplete coverage.

It instruments the code under test, using the same requirements-based functional tests to obtain structural coverage. By using the same tests it verifies functional behavior is unchanged by the instrumented code.


VeroSource is supportedd by a Qualification Data kit. It may be used as a DO-178B Level B or C verification tool (DO-330 TQL-5) and the coverage results used for certification credit.